Stay Aware and Energized
*How to Raise Your Vibration* Raise Your Vibration Throughout your daily life, every interaction, reaction, and moment has an impact on your overall energy level and state of being. Your every choice influences whether you are moving in the direction of raising or lowering your vibration. As a vibrational being, in every moment you're either increasing your frequency, or your energy and vibration are declining… Change is constant and so there's no staying the same! When your energy has been drained, or you're in a low vibrational state, you're likely to be blocked mentally, spiritually, and physically. Lower vibrational frequencies are associated with stagnation, negative emotions, lethargy, health challenges, and even depression. Do you want to experience increased health, happiness, and well being? The answer is simple… *Raise your vibration!* 1. *Get moving* Exercise gets your energy flowing, keeps you fit and helps to calm your mind. You don’t need to join a gym, se...