Brahmanu chintanum


1. I am verily Supreme Brahman, the undiminishable known as Vasudeva (the one who resides in and shines in all things). If a peroson firmly knows this, he is free, if not, he remains only bound.
2."It is a definite fact that I am verily the Supreme Brahman.'' O Mind, ponder over this with great effort. There are three unimpeachable
reasons to justify this identity). The Soul's nature is consciousness (just like Brahman's).It is
quite unattached (just like Brahman).It can not be negated (just as Brahman cannot be).

3."I am verily the Supreme Brahman. I am not distinct from Brahman."
Thus a Brahman(an aspirant to Brahmanhood) centered upon Brahman should deeply contemplate.
4. "Brahman is homogeneous Consciousness completely free forever from all limiting factors.I am that Brahman."If one realises this in actual experience,how can he belong to a particular chase of society or to a particular stage of life.
5."He who knows "I am Brahman" becomes even all this. As he becomes the self of the Gods
(who are also included in "all this"), they have no power to rule over him.

6.He who worships a God as different from him thinking "he is another,I am another"- that man does not know Brahman. He is like cattle to the Gods.

7.I am the Self. I am not anything else. I am no sharer of any sorrow.I have nothing as my nature.I am Existence,Consciousness,Bliss.
I am inherently ever free from bondage.

8.Those who move about constantly thinking of
them self as Brahman- nothing done is wrong in their case nor do they have any mishaps because of such wrong doing. Constantly thinking of the self as Brahman, one should moov about quite happily. 
9. If even for a moment one thinks of his self thus "I am Brahman'', that thought destroy
greatest sin of his, just as sunrise dispels darkness.
10 & 11. Due to Ignorance, akasa, the Spatial Element was born of Brahman, similar to a bubble.From Akasa arose Vayu, the Vibration Element.From
Vayu arose Tejas, the  Form Element,From that Tejas was born the Apas, the liquid Element and  from the Apas was born Prithvi the solid Element and from that Prithivi arose padddy,
yava and other grains.
12. Prithvi is to be dissolved in Apas, Apas in Tejas,Tejas in Vayu and  this Vayu in Akasa
Even this Akasa has to be merged into the Undefined
and that Undefined also into the Pure Absolute.I am that pure Absolute, the Dissolver of all.
13.I am the all pervading. I am the all-pervading. I am the all pervading. Iam the dissolver of
all. The sense of doership, enjoyership, and so on-All this has arisen only because of the ignorance of the above said fact.
15. I am free from all slips
I have no limitation, I am attained through the Divine Word of
Vedas. I am the dissolver of all. I am Biss. I am the all without exception. I am never born. I am immortal.

16. I am eternal; I am beyond all doubt or alternative.I have no form.I know no decrease.I am the nature of absolute Existence,
Consciousness,Bliss. I transcend the five sheaths.
16. I am not a doer. I am not an enjoyer.I am unrelated. I am the Supreme Lord.All faculties
ever function only because of my presence.
17. I am devoid of any beginning, middle or end.I am never bound. I am even He who is by nature ever free from blemish and is pure. There is no doubt in this matter.
18. "I am verily Brahman. I am not a trader of phenomenal life. I am free.'' So should one contemplate. If he is not able to so ccontemplate let him always repeat this sentence.
19. By the constant repetition, the aspirant will attain the state, of the idea conveyed by the sentence, even as a chrysalis become the bee (ever contemplating on it)In this matter,all doubt must be discarded and the process must be practiced with firm determination.
20. By one pointed concentration for a single month,he dispels the sin of killing Brahmana (a man of wisdom)
lifetime power. matter, for this a practice embodied
supernatural of when killing throughout sin even constanl of pointed concentration kinds free the wisdom). By the he one becomes determin
practice dispels eight Man constant aspirant anh, gets By of

 21.I am not the body. Nor am I the life-breath. Similarly I am not the faculties. I am not the
mind. Nor am I the intellect. I am certainly not chitta (the store of impressions) nor the 'I' factor.

22,23. I am not Pritvi. I am not Apas, nor am I tejas.I am not vayu nor am I Akasa.
23. I am neither Sound nor Touch,so also I am not Taste. I am not smell nor am I Form.
I am not Maya.I am not phenomenal life.
As my nature is to be a Witness always.
I remain always auspicious and alone.
24. All is born only in me. All is established in me. All merge in me. I am therefore the Second-less Brahman.
25.1 am Omniscient. I am limitless.I am ruler of all. I am all powerful.
26.I am Bliss, the True, Consciousness.Such is the
method of contemplation on Brahman.The universe is verily only a Seeming.The reality 
is Brahman and never decays.I am that Brahman.
In this matter the
Upanidhuds, the spiritual teachers and also personal experience are the authority.
27,28 1 am verily Brahman itself. 1 am not bound by phenomenal life. I am not distinct from
Brahman, I am not the body nor is the body mine.l am quite alone and Eternal. Brahman is One
only without any second. There is nothing here other than Brahman.
He who contemplates with his mind even once in
the centre of his heart-lotus the One who shines like a light, who is the essence of the Vedas, who
the Pranava, who is undebatable, who is realised by Yogis
trough contemplation, who is a composit of Vishnu, the Guru and Siva and who resides in all beings, is certainly free.


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