Reiki to overcome money blocks
Reiki for Clearing Money Blocks
In the Japanese language 'Rei' means universe and 'Ki' means energy. Reiki we cannot see, but which actually operates the entire universe. The Yajurveda says, "Yatha pinde tatha brahmande, yatha brahmande tatha pinde" Which means human body and the universe are inter-related and homologous.
Money is a form of energy and hence when you hold any negative or limiting thoughts in your mind, you create a blockage in the flow of money. These negative thoughts are like dunes or swamp in someone's life which will keep pulling a person deeper inside.
Take these powerful steps for healing money blocks with Reiki:
First of all, clear your mind from all limiting and negative thoughts and appreciate whatever you have. Make positive affirmations, write them down in your diary and repeat them mentally while doing Reiki. Stick posters in work place or any place where you can see them frequently. Eg. - 'I am worthy of making more money', 'Money comes to me easily, Money comes to me effortlessly' etc.
Gratitude has powers to turn any negativity into positivity and hence it is always practised before and after taking Reiki. Thank the Universe before going to bed and after meals. Start being grateful for whatever you already have in your life. Repeat the Reiki principles morning and evening.
To have abundance in your life you should regularly practice these steps along with Reiki.
Energise yourself with Reiki for healing money blocks.
Although all the seven chakras need a free flow of energy but being specific about money matters, you need to focus on Root chakra, Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Root Chakra - Throughout childhood, the energy patterns of the root chakra are being formed. During childhood whatever messages are fed to you are saved in your subconscious.
"It is hard to earn money" is one such negative message which might have been stored within and which hinders your financial gains.
Giving Reiki to root chakra helps in staying rooted and not let arrogance of wealth get over us.
It is helpful to take a Reiki walk barefoot in the grass to stay grounded and connect deeper with the earth. This will help greatly in cleaning money blocks quickly.
Sacral Chakra - The sacral chakra is believed to control the flow of money. Giving Reiki to sacral chakra improves your social images and helps clear block in relationships.
Solar Plexus Chakra - It deals with money and abundance, through your ability to create via your emotions and vibration. Giving Reiki to Solar plexus chakra improves your gut feeling for making good decisions regarding money.
Place your hands on these three chakras one by one for at least 3 minutes and invoke Reiki. Just witness the flow of Reiki and allow Reiki to do the healing.
Future and Distant Reiki for Money and Abundance
You can send Reiki to yourself and your friends and family members if you are attuned to Reiki levels 2 and 3.
If you have done only Reiki first degree course you can take a plain paper and clearly write your affirmative financial goal in the present tense. Eg. "I am so grateful to earn _____ (amount of money) annually."
Reiki 2 & 3 practitioners can draw the Reiki symbols they are attuned to, fold the paper and put it in a Reiki box or wallet/purse. Give Reiki to it at least once every day for money and abundance.
If you are not a Reiki practitioner, you can request a Reiki practitioner or a Reiki Master to send you distance Reiki for cleaning money blocks. Learning Reiki can be very helpful to you for the rest of your life. So it is advisable to learn Reiki and benefit from Reiki in various ways.
Make Reiki a part of your routine and it shall remove all the disturbances of your life. Stay Blessed!
Reiki Grand Master,
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